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A project of the Nevada Conservation League

Issue Spotlight: Federal Funding

With the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act, communities across the country are seeing an unprecedented influx of federal dollars and job creation in conservation and climate action. Now referred to as the Clean Energy Plan, this is the single largest investment ever made to combat climate change, providing Nevada with the guaranteed funding and competitive grant opportunities to help meet our climate and clean energy goals. The 2023 Legislature focused on policy and budget initiatives to help harness these historic investments from the Clean Energy Plan. Major highlights include:

The Clean Energy Plan is already working, with more than $9 billion in investment and 11,000 clean energy jobs announced in Nevada since its passage. But there is more work to do at both the state and local levels to ensure we seize this historic opportunity. The Governor’s Office of Energy will be able to access nearly $100 million through the home energy rebate programs to help residents save thousands of dollars by upgrading their homes and appliances to be cleaner and more energy efficient. The Solar For All program is a $7 billion fund to help make solar energy more accessible for all communities, and NCEF is working to apply on behalf of Nevada.

As this funding becomes available, it’s important for state and local agencies to coordinate with each other, tribal governments, the conservation community, and clean energy businesses in applying and developing plans for these programs and ensuring every community sees the greatest possible benefits.