AB 146 Reduce Water Pollution
This bill authorizes the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to develop plans, recommendations, and policies to manage, control, and mitigate water pollution from diffuse ...
Assembly: 26 Yes, 16 No
Senate: 14 Yes, 6 No, 1 Excused
Signed by the Governor
AB 148 Mining Bad Actor Law
This bill prohibits mining companies and their executives from getting a new permit to mine if they’ve failed to clean up past operations. This will ...
Assembly: 26 Yes, 16 No
Senate: 13 Yes, 7 No, 1 Excused
Signed by the Governor
AB 153 Performance Contracts
This bill will make it easier for governments to engage in performance contracts. Performance contracting is an opportunity for governments to make energy efficiency upgrades ...
Assembly: 39 Yes, 3 No
Senate: 20 Yes, 0 No, 1 Excused
Signed by the Governor
AB 171 Protecting the Swamp Cedars
This declares that it is the policy of this state to protect the Spring Valley population of Rocky Mountain junipers, known as “swamp cedars.” Swamp ...
Assembly: 29 Yes, 13 No
Senate: 13 Yes, 8 No
Signed by the Governor
AB 211 Wildlife Considerations in Development Plans
This bill will require developers to consult with the Nevada Department of Wildlife on significant development proposals or plans and state the impacts to wildlife ...
Assembly: 29 Yes, 11 No, 2 Excused
Senate: 16 Yes, 5 No
Signed by the Governor
AB 349 Reducing Smog Pollution
This bill will close the Classic Vehicle smog loophole, reduce how often newer, cleaner cars need to get smog checked, and create opportunities for targeted ...
Assembly: 25 Yes, 17 No
Senate: 12 Yes, 9 No
Signed by the Governor
AB 356 Water Conservation
This bill will prohibit nonfunctional turf in the Las Vegas Valley by the end of 2026 and requires the Southern Nevada Water Authority to develop ...
Assembly: 30 Yes, 12 No
Senate: 21 Yes, 0 No
Signed by the Governor
AB 378 Preserve Public Lands
This bill will eliminate existing unconstitutional and anti-public lands provisions in law, and better align the roles and responsibilities of the Division of State Lands. ...
Assembly: 26 Yes, 16 No
Senate: 11 Yes, 10 No
Signed by the Governor
AB 383 Appliance Standards
This bill will establish minimum energy efficiency levels for thirteen common business and consumer products including water coolers, computer monitors, and home ventilating fans. Increasing ...
Assembly: 26 Yes, 13 No, 3 Excused
Senate: 12 Yes, 9 No
Signed by the Governor
AB 452 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reports
The Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) has been tasked with preparing annual reports that include a statewide inventory of greenhouse gas emissions ...
Assembly: 26 Yes, 16 No
Senate: 17 Yes, 4 No
Signed by the Governor
AB 495 Mining Revenue
This will ensure the mining industry begins to pay some of what it owes to our state. It will provide a critical funding stream that ...
Assembly: 28 Yes, 14 No
Senate: 16 Yes, 5 No
Signed by the Governor
AJR 3 30x30 Resolution
This resolution expresses support for a global initiative to conserve 30 percent of the lands and waters in Nevada as well as in the United ...
Assembly: 26 Yes, 16 No
Senate: 12 Yes, 9 No
Does not require signature by the Governor
SB 4 Preventing Illegal Fireworks
This bill will allow county commissioners to impose penalties for the sale, use, storage, or possession of illegal fireworks. Around 90 percent of wildfires in ...
Assembly: 34 Yes, 7 No, 1 Absent
Senate: 18 Yes, 3 No
Signed by the Governor
SB 18 Penalties for Utility Violations
This bill allows the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to increase fines for utilities if they violate Commission rules or regulations. Many climate related policies ...
Assembly: 29 Yes, 13 No
Senate: 21 Yes, 0 No
Signed by the Governor
SB 52 Dark Skies
This bill requires the Administrator of the Nevada Division of Outdoor Recreation to establish a program for awarding dark sky designations in Nevada. This will ...
Assembly: 28 Yes, 14 No
Senate: 21 Yes, 0 No
Signed by the Governor
SB 285 Complete Streets Integration
This bill requires the integration of bike lanes, routes, facilities, and signage into plans for construction or maintenance of roads, as laid out in the ...
Assembly: 35 Yes, 6 No, 1 Absent
Senate: 21 Yes, 0 No
Signed by the Governor
SB 448 Clean Energy Transformation
This bill strengthens Nevada’s electricity transmission network, supports regional electric grid planning, increases availability of electric vehicle charging stations, increases investment in low-income energy efficiency ...
Assembly: 32 Yes, 10 No
Senate: 21 Yes, 0 No
Signed by the Governor