AB 84 Conservation Bond Funding
This bill reauthorizes $217.5 million in state bonding authority to invest in conservation projects and historical resources, including wildlife habitat, open space acquisitions and clean ...
Assembly: Yeas: 39, Nays: 0, Excused: 2, Vacant: 1
Senate: Yeas: 20, Nays: 1
Signed by the Governor
AB 163 Water Conservation
This bill sets minimum standards for indoor water fixtures and requires existing water conservation plans to include a section that evaluates progress toward conservation goals.
Assembly: Yeas: 28, Nays: 12, Excused: 2
Senate: Yeas: 14, Nays: 6, Excused: 1
Signed by the Governor
AB 345 Let Nevadans Vote
This bill helps modernize Nevada’s elections by enabling same-day voter registration, implementing a voter-approved automatic registration law, and expanding both early and absentee voting.
Assembly: Yeas: 28, Nays: 12, Excused: 1, Vacant: 1
Senate: Yeas: 13, Nays: 8
Signed by the Governor
AB 377 Electrifying the Trucking Sector
This bill increases the weight limit for specific large trucks, allowing electric trucks to operate on our roads. Electrifying the trucking sector will dramatically reduce ...
Assembly: Yeas: 39, Nays: 1, Excused: 2
Senate: Yeas: 20, Nays: 1
Signed by the Governor
AB 465 Expanded Solar Access
This bill creates an expanded solar access program, which allows for certain customers of a utility to choose to source their energy from a mix ...
Assembly: Yeas: 39, Nays: 2, Excused: 1
Senate: Yeas: 21, Nays: 0
Signed by the Governor
AB 483 Understanding Transportation Data
This bill requires the DMV to collect information including the types of cars registered in the state and odometer readings. As Nevada looks to modernize ...
Assembly: Yeas: 33, Nays: 8, Vacant: 1
Senate: Yeas: 17, Nays: 4
Signed by the Governor
AB 486 Investing in Outdoor Recreation
This bill recognizes the importance of the outdoor recreation industry in our state by creating the Division of Outdoor Recreation. The Division will promote the ...
Assembly: Yeas: 35, Nays: 6, Vacant: 1
Senate: Yeas: 20, Nays: 1
Signed by the Governor
AJR 1 Opposes the Transfer of Plutonium into Nevada
This resolution is in response to the US Department of Energy secretly shipping radioactive plutonium to Nevada against our wishes. The transportation of highly radioactive, ...
Assembly: Yeas: 34, Nays: 6 Excused: 2
Senate: Yeas: 20, Nays: 0, Excused: 1
Does not require signature by the Governor
AJR 2 Protecting the Desert National Wildlife Refuge
This resolution opposes the US Air Force’s efforts to expand the Nevada Test and Training Range further into the Desert National Wildlife Refuge. The proposed ...
Assembly: Yeas: 40, Nays: 1, Excused: 1
Senate: Yeas: 18, Nays: 2, Excused: 1
Does not require signature by the Governor
AJR 7 Opposing the Fallon Range Training Complex Expansion
This resolution opposes the US Navy’s efforts to expand the Fallon Range Training Complex by over 600,000 acres in central Nevada. Contained in the Navy ...
Assembly: Yeas: 39, Nays: 1, Excused: 2
Senate: Yeas: 13, Nays: 8
Does not require signature by the Governor
SB 85 Preventing Chronic Wasting Disease in Nevada
This bill makes it illegal for a person to bring any alternative livestock or members of the Cervidae family, or certain parts of these animals ...
Assembly: Yeas: 29, Nays: 11, Excused: 1, Vacant: 1
Senate: Yeas: 21, Nays: 0
Signed by the Governor
SB 254 Carbon Reduction Planning
This bill requires the Division of Environmental Protection to annually create an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and develop strategies to reduce Nevada’s greenhouse gas ...
Assembly: Yeas: 28, Nays: 12, Excused: 1, Vacant: 1
Senate: Yeas: 13, Nays: 8
Signed by the Governor
SB 262 Asthma Drug Pricing Transparency
This bill increases transparency for the pricing of prescription drugs for treating asthma. Clark and Washoe Counties face air quality problems, particularly as it relates ...
Assembly: Yeas: 28, Nays: 12, Excused: 1, Vacant: 1
Senate: Yeas: 19, Nays: 2
Signed by the Governor
SB 299 Clean Buses for Healthy Niños
This bill amends the existing Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program to allow for the purchase of electric school buses as an allowable activity. More than half ...
Assembly: Yeas: 39, Nays: 1, Excused: 1, Vacant: 1
Senate: Yeas: 21, Nays: 0
Signed by the Governor
SB 316 Access to Public Lands
This bill mirrors existing federal penalties for illegally blocking access to public land in our state statutes. All Nevadans have the right to access our ...
Assembly: Yeas: 39, Nays: 0, Excused: 2, Vacant: 1
Senate: Yeas: 21, Nays: 0
Signed by the Governor
SB 358 Renewable Portfolio Standard
This bill increases the state’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS) to require 50% renewable energy by 2030 and sets a goal of 100% carbon free energy ...
Assembly: Yeas: 40, Nays: 0, Excused: 2
Senate: Yeas: 21, Nays: 0
Signed by the Governor
SB 458 Funding for School Gardens
This bill appropriates $615,000 over the next biennium to be made available to schools to implement school gardens. In our increasingly digital society, it's great ...
Assembly: Yeas: 41, Nays: 0, Vacant: 1
Senate: Yeas: 15, Nays: 5, Excused: 1
Signed by the Governor
SJR 4 Supporting the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act
This bill expresses support for the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, which is federal legislation that will dedicate a portion of revenue from mineral and energy ...
Assembly: Yeas: 32, Nays: 7, Excused: 2, Vacant: 1
Senate: Yeas: 19, Nays: 2
Does not require signature by the Governor